Low Airflow In Some Of Your Rooms? 2 Tips To Help

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Low Airflow In Some Of Your Rooms? 2 Tips To Help

27 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If the airflow in some of your rooms is poor, you can do something to improve it. Low airflow can leave many of your rooms warm and uncomfortable during summer and late spring. If you don't take some action now, the problem could become worse. Here are two tips that can help improve the airflow in your house.

Get a Professional Air Duct Maintenance Inspection

One of the greatest and easiest ways to cool down your warm rooms is to have every air duct inside them inspected for blockages. A large amount of debris can pass through your air ducts during the year, including dust and bacteria. Not only does debris block your air ducts and interfere with how air passes through them, but it can also make your indoor air feel stale, hot, and uncomfortable. 

Although you can do some of the cleaning yourself, get a professional air duct maintenance inspection instead. A contractor can verify that a blocked air duct is the reason behind your poor airflow and not something else. If debris is the only possible culprit behind your poor airflow problems, a contractor can suction out your air ducts. A contractor can also take additional steps to improve the environment in your rooms, including installing in-line duct boosters in the ducts.  

If your air ducts aren't responsible for the poor airflow in your home, a contractor can look into other things that can cause it, including a dirty or poorly performing indoor unit.

Find Electrical, Mechanical, and Physical Problems With Indoor Unit

Before air travels to your air ducts, it must first pass through your indoor air handling unit. The unit is designed to filter heat from the air circulating throughout your home. If the unit experiences electrical and mechanical problems, such as a frozen evaporator coil or broken defrost timer, it can affect the airflow or movement in your home. The unit may also have physical problems with its drainage ports, lines, and refrigerant. 

If an AC contractor notices one or more of the issues above with the unit, they may:

  • clean and unclog the evaporator coil
  • flush and refill the unit's refrigerant 
  • replace the defrost timer and other mechanical or electrical components in the unit

A contractor may also return to your home in the upcoming months to check and clean your indoor unit. Routine maintenance checks can help deter many potential problems with the unit, including failure.

You can improve the air movement in your rooms by contacting an AC contractor for help today. Click here or visit other sites to learn more.

About Me
air conditioning unit quitting during extreme temperatures

The temperature outside reaches 90 degrees and your air conditioning stops working. You continually go to the thermostat and bump the temperature a little lower with the hopes of miraculously fixing the problem. Once the temperature inside the house reaches 88 degrees, you finally conclude that there is something very wrong with the air conditioning system. So, what could the problem be? What can you do to fix it? My blog will provide you with several issues that could cause your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year so that you can begin making the repairs or call for help.
