Winter HVAC Emergencies When You Need Your Heating to Prevent Freezing

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Winter HVAC Emergencies When You Need Your Heating to Prevent Freezing

15 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

During the winter months, there are a lot of problems in your home that you have to deal with. If your heating goes out, these problems can get worse as temperatures drop below freezing. Therefore, you may need emergency HVAC repair services before problems start. The following winter HVAC emergencies are some of the issues you may need to deal with:

Failing Heat Pumps

AC heat pump systems are becoming more common in homes. They provide an efficient solution to heat your home. The heat pump repairs that are often needed include:

  • Damaged electrical components
  • Issues with damaged heating elements
  • Problems with low refrigerant levels

The issues with heat pumps can cause your home to go without heating when you need it the most. You will want to make sure to have these repairs done before the temperatures drop.

Issues with Furnaces

The furnace can also fail and cause issues with your heating. These issues are often due to the pilot light or heating element. Repairs that your furnace will need over the winter months include:

  • Failing pilot light or ignition with gas furnaces
  • Heating element failing
  • Electrical and control panel problems

The furnace can fail when you need your heating most. This can lead to other problems with freezing pipes and damage to your home.

Problems with Blowers

The blowers of HVAC systems are another problem that you may have to deal with during the winter months. The blower motor can also cause issues with your heating during cold weather. Some of the issues with blower motors that may need to be repaired include:

  • Bushings wearing out
  • Motor not working
  • A damaged or dirty blower fan

When the blower fails, it can cause the heating to not reach some areas of your home. You will want to have the blower motor repaired or replaced if it is the cause of your heating issues.

Contamination and Hazards

There are also hazards that you will have to deal with during the winter months. Problems with carbon monoxide leaks can be a serious issue. Other hazards may also need to be repaired. The dangers with HVAC heating that will need emergency repairs include:

  • Problems with gas furnaces and leaks
  • Carbon monoxide leaks in your home
  • Damaged electrical wiring problems

The hazards of HVAC systems are serious during the winter months when you spend more time indoors. Therefore, you want to make sure that these heating repairs are done quickly.

The freezing temperatures can cause damage to other mechanical systems in your home. Call an emergency HVAC repair service for help fixing issues before they lead to serious damage to your home.

About Me
air conditioning unit quitting during extreme temperatures

The temperature outside reaches 90 degrees and your air conditioning stops working. You continually go to the thermostat and bump the temperature a little lower with the hopes of miraculously fixing the problem. Once the temperature inside the house reaches 88 degrees, you finally conclude that there is something very wrong with the air conditioning system. So, what could the problem be? What can you do to fix it? My blog will provide you with several issues that could cause your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year so that you can begin making the repairs or call for help.
