Winterize Your Furnace: Preparing Your Heating System for the Season

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Winterize Your Furnace: Preparing Your Heating System for the Season

10 October 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As the seasons shift and temperatures drop, it's important to make sure your furnace is ready for the winter season. A properly prepared furnace can keep you warm and comfortable throughout the chilly months while also improving energy efficiency and preventing costly repairs. Here is a closer look at the steps you can take to ready your furnace for winter and ensure your home is prepared for whatever weather comes your way.

Schedule a Professional Inspection: 

Start by arranging a professional inspection to prepare your furnace for the winter season. Regular maintenance can find minor issues before they become significant problems and identify any potential safety risks. During an inspection, a technician will likely clean the furnace components, check the system's functionality, and replace any worn-out parts that could be affecting system performance.

Change Your Air Filters: 

Replacing your air filters is a quick and efficient step for winter furnace preparation. A dirty or clogged air filter can impair airflow, making your furnace work harder to warm your home. This not only increases energy costs but also puts unnecessary strain on your furnace. By replacing your air filter at the start of the heating season, you can improve your furnace's energy efficiency and extend its lifespan.

Test Your Thermostat: 

Before the winter season hits full force, test your thermostat to make sure it's functioning properly. Start by turning up the thermostat to ensure that your furnace ignites and produces warm air. If you notice any issues, such as the thermostat failing to activate your furnace, it's a good idea to call in a professional to assess the problem. You may need to replace the thermostat or recalibrate your system to ensure proper function.

Check Your Ductwork: 

Leaks and gaps in your ductwork can lead to heat loss and increased energy consumption. To prepare your furnace for winter, inspect your ductwork for signs of wear and tear and seal any leaks you may find. Common places to check for leaks include joints and seams, where ductwork connects to registers or grilles, and where the ducts travel through unheated spaces like attics or basements.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat: 

Finally, contemplate the investment in a programmable thermostat. These devices enable you to customize temperature settings throughout the day, tailored to your schedule and preferences. For example, you can lower the temperature while you're at work or sleeping and raise it when you're home and awake. Not only does this enhance energy efficiency, but it can also result in saving money on your energy bills.

Preparing your furnace for winter ensures a cozy and comfortable season ahead. By implementing these easy guidelines, you can enhance energy efficiency, extend the lifespan of your furnace, and avoid expensive repairs. If you're unsure about any of the steps outlined in this guide or notice any issues with your furnace, don't hesitate to call a professional for assistance.


About Me
air conditioning unit quitting during extreme temperatures

The temperature outside reaches 90 degrees and your air conditioning stops working. You continually go to the thermostat and bump the temperature a little lower with the hopes of miraculously fixing the problem. Once the temperature inside the house reaches 88 degrees, you finally conclude that there is something very wrong with the air conditioning system. So, what could the problem be? What can you do to fix it? My blog will provide you with several issues that could cause your air conditioning to stop working during the hottest days or months of the year so that you can begin making the repairs or call for help.
